Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Just thought I would share a cute picture of my foster boy passed out in his crate tonight.  His name is Cash and he is one of the most handsome greys I have had.

Sleepy theme continued.  I know I have posted this one before but she looks so sweet and innocent in this picture (please overlook the stuffing from the toy she just 'killed')  She has even more spots now than in this picture!


  1. You have some adorable sleeping babies there! :)

  2. They are so cute when they are asleep.

  3. Handsome boy! That Sweetheart is pretty darn cute too!!!

  4. Glad to hear that all was well. Missed you and Sweetheart's blog and was a little worried. How's the lurcher doing? And It's a little difficult to see how handsome Cash is when he's upside down. How does Sweetheart like Cash and the Lurcher? Hugs to all.

  5. Sweetheart loved Cash because he liked to play outside with her. Cash is now at another foster home (I switched him out for Benny today) and is going to his foster to adopt home next weekend I believe. See today's new post for how Sweetheart and Benny are doing. :)
