Thursday, December 30, 2010


I took the day off today.  Sweetheart was outside on and off during the day and did great.  She is moving around good and trying to gnaw on Cleo when they are outside so she is almost back to normal.  I sort of like her being subdued :)

I emailed Channel Four last night.  They did a story on Sweetheart September 2.  I asked them if they wanted to do a follow up to show she is completely healed.  I haven't heard back from them and am not getting my hopes up but I thought I would give it a shot.  Their website is if you want to go on there and send them an email if you would like them to do a story.  Who knows, maybe they will.

Today was a gorgeous day in Oklahoma.  72 degrees.  Tomorrow a bitter cold front is coming through and the weekend is going to be cold.  Oh well, at least we had a gorgeous day and I enjoyed it very much.  The dogs enjoyed laying around in the sun.



  1. 72 degrees?! I am completely green with envy! We had a balmy 50 here!

    I'm glad to hear Sweetheart has some nice weather to recuperate in!

  2. Glad Sweetheart is doing so well.

  3. Emailed the TV station for you. Hope something comes of it because it would be great publicity for greyhound rescue. 72 there and in the low forties in So. Calif. Go figure. Happy New year to you and yours.

  4. wow! i feel like i've missed so much being out of commission! so good news on you adopting her!!! she has a whole new wonderful family! yeah! on a smooth sailing spay! not so good about the 72 degree weather, well, not in december.,,, lol. i'm from jersey! :) although, i must say, seeing the snow conditions there...
    i hope she makes a great therapy dog. it would be perfect! :) have a happy new years!!! and thanks for the updates.

  5. Happy New Year, precious girl! -- Batmom

  6. the hound boys and I set finger and paw to the keyboard and sent a letter to the TV station asking for a follow up piece. I don't think they know how much of a following Sweetheart has. Even out here in CA we talk about her and ask each other if we have seen her latest video or picture.

    I am so glad she is doing well, and is a happy camper!

    Gretchen, Andy and Kai
