Thursday, January 6, 2011


Sweetheart is doing well, no problems with the incision site.  She is due to have her stitches removed tomorrow.  I am going to see if I can remove them myself tomorrow and if I am not able to, then I will take her to Dr. Kolar's Saturday morning.

Saturday I will be at the Shawnee Mall in Shawnee Oklahoma from 1-4 for our first greyhound show and tail event of 2011.  I am going to bring Sweetheart so she can get used to different environments.  If any of you are out and about and in the area, stop by and say hi!

Friday, February 4th at 7:00 p.m., the Oklahoma Baron's hockey team is having a Miracles on Ice game that will benefit local non-profit groups like Fasthound.  For every person that designates Fasthound as their chosen charity group, the Baron's will donate $4.00 directly to Fasthound!  Paul and I are going to try to reserve a block of seats for anyone interested in joining us to watch the game.  Tickets run $12-$36 per person.  The block of seats we hope to reserve will be priced at $21.00 per person.  If are you interested in helping Fasthound and joining our volunteers for a fun filled evening of hockey, let me know.  You can mail us a check for the $21.00 ticket or donate the price via paypal and designate on paypal that it is for the Baron's game.  Remember, in order for Fasthound to receive the $4.00, you must tell the ticket agent or mark on your ticket that you wish Fasthound to benefit from your purchase.  

I need to take some pictures of Sweetheart so that you all can see her.  She hasn't changed any since the last pictures/video but I know how everyone likes pictures of the wild child!  She continues to be a complete wild child outside and in the house.  Poor Cleo can't shake her.  They were playing the other night in the house and Cleo had had enough and got a little rough with Sweetheart.  Sweetheart screamed like a wounded animal (I checked, no scrapes, bites or blood) and ran away.  HEHE, serves her right for not letting Cleo move an inch without gnawing on her.  :)

The end of the work week is almost here.  I am so ready for the weekend!  Hope everyone had a good first week of 2011!



  1. Glad Sweetheart is doing ok.

    Hope you have loads of visitors to the mall on Saturday. Also hope the hockey game generates load of money for Fasthounds.

    Good on Cleo for finally letting Sweetheart know enough is a enough.

  2. Hee hee! Those little divas sure know how to make an exit, don't they? I bet it doesn't even phase her, though!

  3. Nothing phases Sweetheart. Absolutely nothing. Well, loud noises in the house do, she doesn't like those and is rather a wimp about them.

  4. I love hockey. Too bad OK isn't within commuting range from Beaumont!

  5. GSOD really means that they arent hurt at all, when they are really hurt they don't scream :P
