Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Evening - 9/12

I woke up this morning with Sweetheart in the middle of my air bed and I was lying on the diagonal with my legs hanging off the bed.  Ahh, and I wonder why I feel tired when I wake up.  However, I can't not let her sleep with me, she LOVES to cuddle when she crawls in bed with me and how can I say no?  I woke up in the middle of the night Saturday night with Sweetheart lying across my legs roaching.  All I saw were long legs.  She is a silly girl.

All is well this Sunday evening.  Two of our Fasthound volunteers came out today about 11 a.m. to visit Sweetheart.  The pics at the end of the post are from that visit.  Sweetheart loved the company and she loved the treats that were given to her during their visit.  :)

All is still great with her.  Eating good and keeps playing more.  I was lying on the bed with her this afternoon and she started wolf biting me and rolling around on her back.  She is getting more and more frisky each day.  She also gets more and more interested in the cat each day.  :)  She hears NO quite a bit but she better get used to it because the more feisty she gets the more she will hear it.  I always joke that my new fosters probably think their name is NO half the time because when they are in a new house they like to 'get into' whatever they think they can.

I will be going to New Orleans next week and one of our volunteers will be fostering her.  I will probably ask this volunteer to update the blog when I am gone so that way everyone, including myself, can keep track of her progress.

I hope the weekend was good for everyone.  Monday is the start of another work week.  Boo!  Pictures of the little Sweetheart are below.

Hunting down treats dropped by Jackie
Pretty face.  Jackie is the black dog in the front and Monte
is checking out the hand with the treat.  He is a piggo!


  1. Awww, Sweetheart! Feel free to come stay in Illinois for the week! lol With that face, I'm sure she won't ever want for treats. Who could resist her?

    Good luck on your travels!

  2. its great that she is getting friskier! a great sign of recovery :)

  3. Blossoming each day, such a treasure. I am glad you have this blog to document her journey. If you could bring her to Southern Indiana, I would take care of her! LOL!!! You know she will miss you when you are gone.

  4. Fab photos.

    She is welcome to come to England and stay with me:)
