Monday, September 13, 2010

Sweetheart's true one month anniversary!

Today makes exactly a month since we got Sweetheart.  We picked her up from the shelter August 13th.

Another good day for Sweetheart.  She didn't get her evening can of puppy food but she got tons of treats and all the dry food she could eat.  Oh, and a hot dog.  Hey, you have to give her her antibiotic in something.  :)

We took her outside and she actually played fetch with a squishy softball toy.  We rolled it across the patio and she chased it and brought it back.  After about 8 fetches she stopped and looked at us and that was the end of fetch.  She wasn't having any more of it.  Seeing her pounce the ball and bring it back was so fun.

She also got a squeaky toy and gave it a few wolf bites.  Then she flitted over to me on the air bed and gave me a few bites.  I try to play with her but she isn't sure if I am playing with her or not.  I try and play gentle and just 'growl' a little bit.  I want her to learn I am not going to hurt her when we play.  After the wolf biting was done she snuggled with me a bit.  She is an expert snuggeler.

She will go for a bandage change Wednesday afternoon.  Les will do his best to get video of it and he will weigh her and find out if she has gained any weight since Friday the 10th.

I hope you all enjoy the video.  Les shot and edited it.  I haven't seen it yet myself.

Enjoy the evening and I hope everyone has a good Tuesday tomorrow!


  1. What a happy girl! It is so nice to see her play and be happy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, she looks great and SO HAPPY! Happy one month anniversary!!

    Your pal, Pip

  4. Awww, cool:-) Sweetheart looks so happy and without a care in the world. All she has to do is enjoy life and heal. She seems to be using her hind leg more now?

  5. Awwwwww!!! So glad she is happy and getting better and better!!! =D

  6. Wow, She looks great!!. It's hard to believe that only a month ago, her life was resting on the decision of a brave vet.

    Thank you for everything that you and Sweethearts medical team did!!

  7. Good work, what an adorable video, she looks just like a little puppy!

  8. She looks like she's having a great time! She just gets cuter and cuter!

  9. I love seeing her play! That's such a great sign that she is feeling better. Let's hope the healing continues!

  10. That was greyt! She looks so happy! Love makes all the difference and it shows!

  11. what a greyt video! thank so so much for sharing.sweetheart IS a true sweetheart! she looks so without a care. love seeing her so playful and happy. well done, all of you!

  12. I love the song! Where can I get it?

  13. She looks so happy, just like she should. What a wonderful thing to see!
